A little about us …

About Us

Hi, I’m Sam and he’s Phil. Welcome to our blog of weekend and downtime projects. We are just a young couple living and loving in Edinburgh. We both work full-time and treasure using every spare minute to embark on delicious, fun, challenging and creative projects and then share them with you guys. Phil’s happy place is in the kitchen cooking and baking anything and everything, the yummier the better. You can usually find me hiding behind the hoop of my giant quilting project or sewing, gluing and knitting my way through a rainy afternoon (we have plenty of those in Edinburgh). Our projects are usually honest, cozy, rustic and super tasty (we aren’t big into ultra chic here) and they don’t always work (yup, sometimes our cakes sink in the middle too) but if we had fun in the process and we did it together then consider us happy. After all, as they say ‘we may not have it all together, but together we have it all’. Thanks for stopping by, you know were to find us again!

We’d love to hear from you, so tweet us @cqmandb, drop us a line to cookquiltmakeandbake@gmail.comย or leave us a comment (weย alwaysย try to reply!).

xxx Sam (and Phil :P)

11 Responses to A little about us …

  1. You have a really cool blog, I like what you guys are doing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Becca Goodson says:

    I needed a come up with a homemade ornament for a family ornament exchange; coincidentally a friend of mine sent me a link to your Salt Dough Star Ornaments and yeah, an idea I hadn’t thought of yet! Love all the detail and pictures that go into your posts, nice work!

  3. Hi, I love your blog and I chose you for the Liebster blog award. There’s a bit more information about it on my blog so check it out and you can pass the award on to others ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Ashleigh says:


    You are the first blog I have found based in Edinburgh, all the ones I currently read are from the U.S. I’m based in Morningside and just started writing about our home refurbishments, nice to get some ideas from some locals ๐Ÿ™‚

    Absolutely loved your cable knit cushion, I think I might find a way to recreate that.

    Will be following you from now on!

    • Hi Ashleigh, thanks for following and checking out our little blog ๐Ÿ˜€ We love to hear from other local bloggers, as I’m not sure there are too many of us in Edinburgh! Just like you, most of the blogs we read are based in the US, so we are going to head over to your blog to get some local tips!
      Sam xx

  5. What an adorable blog. I’m glad I found you two!

  6. jenny Crandley says:

    I am living in spain and found you quite by chance looking for dried oranges slices to use in a home made candle idea. Oranges as you can imagine are plentiful here but little if ever used in decorating. Our Spanish neighbours love looking at our decorations for christmas as they only put out Nativity sets in there home. Our young visitors are now begging their parents for Christmas trees and garlands. So this year using your orange slices we will be Spanglish.

    • Hi! Your comment totally made our day. What a lovely thought that people all the way in Spain are using our orange ornaments idea! I love that your making your decorations ‘Spanglish!’ We always have a nativity but I love having a tree to decorate too, they are so magical when it is dark and they make the whole room glow. Keep stopping by! Sam xxx ๐Ÿ˜€

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